SENA Panel: The Life of the RAS Farm – Examining Successes and Challenges to Ensure Sector Longevity for Unique Species

Kingfish Maine Operations Manager Tom Sorby, Great Falls Aquaculture General Manager Spencer Gowan, and Pine Island Redfish Founder and CEO Megan Sorby at the SENA Panel: The Life of the RAS Farm – Examining Successes and Challenges to Ensure Sector Longevity for Unique Species
Kingfish Maine Operations Manager Tom Sorby, Great Falls Aquaculture General Manager Spencer Gowan, and Pine Island Redfish Founder and CEO Megan Sorby at the SENA Panel: The Life of the RAS Farm – Examining Successes and Challenges to Ensure Sector Longevity for Unique Species
2 Min

An on-demand video of “The Life of the RAS Farm – Examining Successes and Challenges to Ensure Sector Longevity for Unique Species” is available free for SeafoodSource Premium members and for USD 350 (EUR 315) to non-members through the Complete Digital Ticket: Seafood Expo North America 2024.

Featuring SeafoodSource Editor Chris Chase; Great Falls Aquaculture General Manager Spencer Gowan; Pine Island Redfish Founder and CEO Megan Sorby; and Kingfish Maine Operations Manager Tom Sorby, the panel was held on Monday, 11 March, with the following description:

These experienced operations managers will examine every phase in the life cycle of a RAS development, including critical components to ensure longevity and the challenges faced in the U.S.

  • Megan Sorby – Co-Founder & CEO of Pine Island Redfish: Megan will focus on first phases of pre-permitting and site selection, including design choices to address environmental concerns and establishing sustainability targets. Challenges to be addressed include limited availability of US sites and permitting.
  • Tom Sorby – Operations Manager, Kingfish Maine: Tom looks at the secondary development phase of finalizing site selection, permitting and hatchery start up. Challenges include social license/community engagement and workforce development.
  • Spencer Gowan – Operations Manager, Great Falls: Spencer focuses on the full operational phase, which includes staffing, meeting production targets, and maintaining market interest. Most importantly, how established RAS projects evolve as the industry continues to deploy new technology.

The 2024 Seafood Expo North America, which took place 10 to 12 March in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., featured a comprehensive conference program of live panel events focusing on topics chosen to be of vital interest to the seafood industry.

The 31 individual presentations from SENA featured exclusive information and insight from seafood industry experts, on a range of topics including diversity in the seafood industry, how artificial intelligence could be used in the industry, what impact FDA FSMA 204 updates will have, traceability, and more.

Calls for proposals for the 2025 editions of both SENA’s conference and for the conference at Seafood Expo Global in Barcelona, Spain are now live. Running from 16 to 18 March 2025, an overview of the SENA conference program is available online, and proposals can be submitted through 13 September. A program overview is also available for Seafood Expo Global – which is running from 6 to 8 May 2025 – and conference proposals can be submitted through 13 September.

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